Beginner's guide to Ska : Ska : The sound of young Jamaïca : One step beyond : Ska, Rocksteady & boss reggae : Ska'd for life : Two-tone revival & beyond / The Skatalites, Alton Ellis, Baba Brooks, ...[et al.]


Ellis, Alton | Brooks, Baba | Morris, Eric'Monty' | Drummond, Don | Sir Lord Comic | Hinds, Justin | Sterling, Lester | Richards, Roy | Duffus, Shenley | Wilson, Ronald | Organaire, Charlie | Owen | Silveras, Leon | Taitt, Lynn | Dillon, Phyllis | Lord Creator | Landis, Joya | Machuckie, Count | Holt, John | Potato 5 (The) | Seivright, Floyd Lloyd | Atiken, Laurel | Bellestar, Jennie | Prince Buster | Skatalites (The) | Dominoes (The) | Upsetters (The) | Drumbago | Zodiacs (The) | Maytals (The) | Boys (The) | Jamaicans (The) | Paragons (The) | Techniques (The) | Gaylads (The) | Tennors (The) | Gladiators (The) | Beat (The) | Selecter (The) | Bodysnatchers (The) | Specials (The) | Trojans (The) | Natural Rhythm | Ska Cubano

Edité par La Baleine Distribution - 2009

  • Guns of Navarone, Malcolm x, Tribute to Nehru/ The Skatalites
  • Ska beat, Mouth a massy, Dance crasher, Why birds follow spring/ Alton Ellis
  • Shank I sheck/ Baba Brooks & The Skatalites
  • Penny reel/ Eric'Monty' Morris
  • Don d lion, Alley pon/ Don Drummond
  • Four seasons/ Sir Lord Comic & The Skatalites
  • Mother banner, Rub up, push up, Higher the monkey climbs (The)/ Justin Hinds & The Dominoes
  • Skaramont/ Lester Sterling
  • So bad/ The Upsetters
  • Contact/ Roy Richards
  • Rukumbine/ Shenley Duffus
  • Treasure island/ Don Drummond & Drumbago
  • Vitamin a/ Baba Brooks
  • Renegade/ The Zodiacs
  • John & James/ The Maytals
  • African queen/ Ronald Wilson & The Skatalites
  • Royal Charlie/ Charlie Organaire
  • Next door neighbour/ Owen & Leon Silveras
  • Storm warning/ Lynn Taitt & The Boys
  • Ba ba boom/ The Jamaicans
  • Only a smile, Tide is high (The), I've got to get away/ The Paragons
  • Don't stay away/ Phyllis Dillon
  • You don't care/ The Techniques
  • Such is life/ Lord Creator
  • Moonlight lover/ Joya Landis
  • Wha' she do now/ The Gaylads
  • Warfare/ Count Machuckie
  • Weather report/ The Tennors
  • Sweet soul music/ The Gladiators
  • Ali baba/ John Holt
  • Mirror in the bathroom, Hands off she's mine/ The Beat
  • Too much pressure/ The Selecter
  • Ruder than you/ The Bodysnatchers
  • Ghost town/ The Specials
  • Tear up/ The Potato 5 & Floyd Lloyd Seivright & Laurel Atiken
  • Mixed feelings/ Jennie Bellestar
  • Stack-a -lee/ Prince Buster & The Trojans
  • Bluebeat & ska/ Natural Rhythm
  • Chango/ Ska Cubano
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